Publication Charges
Publication Fee (Article Processing Charges):
The Journal is an Open Access and all the published papers are Freely available for Free Search, download and use. There are no printing, subscription or membership charges for any author. Journals do not have subscription base/any sponsorship. Thus for existence/financial independencies of the journal, authors have to pay very nominal charges.
(Cost towards processing, maintenance of paper in secured data storage system, databases; to meet various overhead expenses like paper setting costs, employees charges, WEB cost, electronic Cost, Office cost, communication cost, maintenance cost, time cost, Manuscript formatting cost, Manuscript conversion cost, Cost of Plagiarism detection software per paper, Cost of Digital archiving of articles, time cost etc.).
Nominal Charges: (only One time article processing charges for all process starting from submission to publication of paper)
For Indian Authors: Article Processing Charges (APC): Rs. 2500/- (Two Thousand Five Hundred Indian Rupees)
For Non- Citizen of India (Foreign countries) Authors: Article Processing Charges (APC): 45 US Dollar
Publication Fee Waiver:
Papers submitted by Editorial board members, referees and some quality papers are published free of cost.