Ayurvedic management of Meniere’s disease- A Case Report

  • Sweta R Prajapati MS (Ayu), Scholar, Department of Shalakya Tantra, Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda (INI), Jamnagar, Gujarat, India http://orcid.org/0000-0003-4536-701X
  • D. B. Vaghela I/C HOD & Associate Professor, Department of Shalakya Tantra, Institute of Teaching and Research in Ayurveda (INI), Jamnagar, Gujarat, India
Keywords: Avipattikara Churna, Bhrama, Khseerabala Taila, Meniere’s disease, Nasya, Sarivadi vati, Shatavariadi Ksheerapaka


Meniere’s disease is a disease of the inner ear where the endolymphatic system is distended with endolymph. It is characterized by vertigo, sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus and aural fullness. On the basis of the clinical features, it can be compared with the group of disease in Ayurveda like, Bhrama (Vertigo), Karnanaada (Tinnitus), Karnakhsweda and Baadhirya (Hearing loss). On the basis of Samprapti Vigatana of this disease it can be understand that it occurs due to Vata-Pitta Pradhana Tridosha. In this case, a 37 years old male patient came to ENT OPD of ITRA hospital with the complaints of vertigo which lasts for 15 mins to half an hour, tinnitus, difficulty in hearing and aural fullness in left ear since last 6 months.  With all these symptoms the case was diagnose as the probable Meniere’s disease. The patient was intervened with the drugs with properties like Agnideepana, Amapaachana, Vatanulomana, Vata-Pitta Shamaka, Mutrala and Rasayana. Drugs selected were Hingwashtaka Churna (5gms two times), Avipattikara Churna (5gms at night), Shatavariadi Ksheerapaka (20 ml two times), Nasya (Marsha Nasya in morning), Sarivadi Vati (2 tab. Two times) and Shiropichu for 2 months. Patient showed gradual improvement in all the symptoms within 15 days. Along with proper treatment and Pathya Sevana, complete relief in the symptoms was achieved within 2 months. It shows that with the proper understanding of the disease as per the ayurvedic classics, treatment choices can be made and significant improvement in any disease can be achieved.

How to Cite
Prajapati, S., & Vaghela, D. B. (2023, June 15). Ayurvedic management of Meniere’s disease- A Case Report. International Journal of AYUSH Case Reports, 7(2), 208-213. Retrieved from https://www.ijacare.in/index.php/ijacare/article/view/444
Case Reports