Ayurveda Management of Dusta vrana (stasis ulcer due to perforator incompetence) - A Case Report
Vrana is a wide concept in medical field. According to Ayurveda there are mainly two types of Vrana i.e., Nija and Agantuja. When an Ulcer occurred from an injury or external wound then it termed as Agantuja vrana and when an ulcer developed due to any internal cause that is underline pathology in body or system is termed as Nija vrana. In present case study a chronic non healing ulcer in the right leg of a female subject was not cured from several years She was suffered from several years with persistent and recurrent originating ulcerated lesion in her right leg. After the Venous Doppler study of right leg, it was confirmed that the ulcer is due to the incompetence of perforators in above the right ancle joint. She was treated with western system of medicine along with surgery. When she has come to our OPD we clinically examined her and decided to treat her with the help of Jalauka Avacharana and internal medicine to provide a cost-effective treatment in our IPD of Institute of post graduate Ayurvedic education and research at Shyamadas Vaidya shastra pith Kolkata. After 28days of treatment result was good and satisfactory the ulcer was completely healed up. No recurrence of symptoms was observed in monthly follow up for six months. Jalauka Avacharana therapy is a cost effective, time saving procedure effective in the management of Dusta vrana with special reference to stasis ulcer due to perforator incompetence.

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