Effect of Virechana Karma, Rathu Pokuru Wadamal Kashaya and Hulanthaladi Lepa in the management of Vicharchika (eczema) - A single case study
Ayurveda describes Vicharchika under Kshudra Kushta Roga. Clinical features of Vicharchika are Kandu (itching), Srava (discharge), Pidaka (vesicles), Shyava Varna (dark brown colour), Rajyo (cracks), Ruja (severe pain) and Rukshata (roughness). Vicharchika can be correlated with eczema. Ayurveda prescribes Virechana Karma (purgation therapy) as one of the therapeutic measures. Traditional physicians perform Virechana Karma with Aralu Snehekola Kashaya and prescribe Ratu Pokuru Wadamal Kashaya, Hulantaladi Lepa in treatment of Vicharchika (eczema) with effective results. No known scientific study has been conducted previously in order to evaluate the effect of these treatments. Therefore, the present study was undertaken. A 40 year old female patient suffering from itching, pain, swelling, eruptions, cracks, roughness and blackish brown discoloration in skin was selected. She was first treated with Virechana Karma using Aralu Snehekola Kashaya. After that, oral administration of Ratu Pokuru Wadamal Kashaya and external application of Hulanthaladi Lepa were performed. Total duration of treatment was 8 days. Partial reductions by 33.3% in Kandu (itching), Ruja (pain) and Rukshata (roughness in the skin) were observed after completion of Virechana Karma. After completion of entire treatment, 100% relief was observed in erruptions and pain. Partial relief by 66.7 % was observed in itching, depigmentation, cracks and roughness in the skin. No changes were observed in Shota (mild swelling). It was decided that selected treatment regime is beneficial in treatment of Vicharchika (eczema).
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