Ayurvedic Management of Indralupta (Alopecia Aerata) with Raktamokshana (Pracchana Vidhi) and Shirolepa– A Case Report
Indralupta is depicted under Shirokapalagata Roga and Kshudra Roga by various Acharyas. According to Acharya Sushruta, Pitta along with Vata by involving the roots of hair (Romakoopa) causes fall of hair and thereafter Shleshma along with Shonita obstructs the channel of Romakoopa leading to the stoppage of the regeneration of hair and this condition is known as Indralupta, Indralupta can be correlated with Alopecia areata in which there is a sudden hair loss that starts with one or more circular bald patches. In Ayurveda, both Shodhana and Shamana treatments are prescribed for Indralupta. A 26 years old male patient came to OPD of Shalakya Tantra Department, ITRA with the complaints of patchy hair loss, dandruff and thinning of hair fall for 3 months. He was successfully treated with Raktamokshana (Prachhana Vidhi) 4 sittings with 1-2 ml blood-letting in each sitting, Shiro-Lepa (Triphala Mashi+Karnja Taila), Depana Pachana Aushadhis (Aam Pachana Vati), Rasayana Aushadhis (Rasayana Churna, Saptamrita Louha), along with Nidana-Parivarjana. Ayurveda has great approach in curing the Indralupta (Alopecia Aerata) which can be concluded from this case report.

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