Management of Agni and Aam through Lifestyle Modification: Short Communication

  • Priyanka Verma Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Kriya Sharir, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, UP, India
  • Rashi Sharma Associate Professor, Department of Kriya Sharir, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, Banas Hindu University, Varanasi, UP, India
Keywords: Aam, Agni, Ahararas, Digestive fire, Jatharagni, Mala


The great objective of Ayurveda is to maintain the health of a healthy person and to cure the diseases of sick people. Ayurveda defines health is an equilibrium stage of Dosha, Agni, Dhatu and regular excretion of mala (waste product i.e. Mutra, Purish, Sweda) and blissful state of senses, mind and soul, that person is considered as completely healthy. Acharya Charak says that Aahar Sambhavam Vastu means that the body is made from food. All types of food are made of Pancha Mahabhutas. Digestion of the food is started from the Jatharagni (gastric fire), After the action of Jatharagni, the food gets converted into Ahara Ras. Ahara is further divided into Prasad (essential for the body) and kitta (Mal).  these three Saman Vayu, Pachak Pitta and Kledaka Kapha  are also necessary to maintain the function of Jatharagni .Sometimes due to external negative  factors influence such as (stress, depression , adverse weather, inappropriate food and habits)  because of these factors,the food we eat is not completely  digested and  it cannot be identified as either nutrients (Prasad) or waste products (Mala).Therefore it is neither absorbed in the form of Ahara ras nor expelled out in the form of Mala (Mutra,Purish or Sweda).this half-digested unmetabolized  matter circulates in the  body as Aam or the toxins. Ayurveda has a term for such toxins “Ama” Ama is derived from Sanskrit word which literally means Undigested or Uncooked. According to Ayurveda, the first cause of disease is Ama.

How to Cite
Verma, P., & Sharma, R. (2023, June 15). Management of Agni and Aam through Lifestyle Modification: Short Communication. International Journal of AYUSH Case Reports, 7(2), 228-231. Retrieved from
Short Communication