Treatment of Vitiligo with Constitutional Homoeopathic Medicine: A Case Report
Vitiligo one of a multifactorial chronic skin disease clinically present as white hypo-pigmented macular spot anywhere on the skin due to deficiency or loss of melanocytes. Incidence around 0.5 to 2 % of total world population irrespective of their age groups, gender. More predominant in dark skinned people. [1,] [2]. Exact cause still not clear; most probable cause considered to be autoimmune destruction of melanocytes. According to distribution of lesions, vitiligo divided into two groups one is Segmental (SV) another is Non-segmental (NSV). It is completely harmless disease, but treatment is necessary for cosmetic purpose. In modern medicine managementis mainly by tropical corticosteroids & Photo-chemotherapy. In this case record 13-year-old girl, suffering from white hypo-pigmented spot over the face for 7-8 months. After 6 months treatment of modern medicine on improvement occurs then she came to NIH OPD for homoeopathic treatment. After careful case taking and Repertorization in Synthesis 8.1V by, using Radar 10 Natrium muriaticum has been selected as her individualized Homoeopathic Medicine. Medicine prescribed in centesimal potency along with advices to protein diet and regimen. Within 10 months of duration patient was completely cured. This case report shows success of individualized homoeopathic medicine in an incurable skin disease.

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