Effect of Selected Yogic Practices on Patient with Tension Type Headache: A Case Study
Headache can be defined as a painful sensation in any part of the head, ranging from sharp to dull, that may occur with other symptoms. Globally, the percentages of the adult population with an active headache disorder are 46% for headache in general, 11% for migraine, 42% for tension-type headache and 3% for chronic daily headache. The present study aims to evaluate the effect of selected yoga practices on tension type headache (TTH) patients. The patient in the current case report found herself having a tension-type headache. The complaint of pain was in the vertex region of the head and tightness around the head region from last 2 years. She also had complaint of pain in holocranial region of the head, pain in her eyes, ears with low blood pressure (). After certain regular yoga practice, which were advised in the therapy center, there was a significant reduction in the headache, the HIT-6 score (questionnaire to evaluate severity of headache) and perceived stress scale score were significantly reduced after the intervention. There was also improvement in the pain of eyes, ears and symptoms of vertigo. It was also found that after yoga practice duration, frequency and heaviness of headache reduced marvelously. The present case study exhibited that if yogic practices are adopted properly even along with medication, they help patient to get relief in tension type headache and its associated problems. This also implies that yoga plays vital role in controlling and reducing symptoms of vertigo, pain of eyes and ears.

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