Siravedha (venesection therapy) in the management of Burning Feet Syndrome-A Single Case Study
Burning feet syndrome is characterized by a sensation of burning and heaviness in the feet and lower extremities, which is a common disorder frequently encountered by general practitioners. According to Ayurveda, this condition is akin to Padadaha. Padadaha means burning in feet, it is association of Pitta and Rakta in which Vata aggregates due to excess walking. A 38-year-old male patient presented with complaints of severe burning and sweating in the left foot for 9 months. The patient was treated in the outdoor department with two successive sittings of Siravedha (venesection therapy) each at the interval of 7 days. Then follow-up was taken after 10 months for reoccurrence. After the treatment, the symptoms of burning and sweating were completely relieved.

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