Burn Wound Healing Activity of Kyuhr Herbal Cream- A Case Report
Herbal medicines encompass the combination of practices of indigenous systems of medicine and several therapeutic experiences of many previous generations. Certain herbs are regarded to have anti-inflammatory, anti-septic, anti-bacterial properties. In this case study, a 32 years old male patient was having multiple bruises, blisters with burn skin lesions over chest, back and both forearms. He was presented with severe burning sensation, redness and tremendous pain over burn area. Cleaning of the burn injuries with normal saline and chiorhexidine solution was done. Then Kyuhr Herbal Cream was applied over all burn injuries with sterile gauze. The dressing was done twice in a day. After one month and ten days patient was completely recovered and healed post burn wound with minor scar and discoloration without contracture.

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