Mechanism and Efficacy of Yoga Practices in Patient with Dysphonia-A Case Report
Dysphonia refers to disorder of voice or hoarseness of voice. It can be associated with a feeling of unease or scratchiness in the throat. It is also a symptom of the vocal folds of the larynx. It may be caused by an upper respiratory infection, cold, or allergies etc. In this case Dysphonia is caused by chronic laryngitis, a condition where the voice box is swollen, irritated, and/or inflamed, which resulted in the loss of voice since 3 months. This started as the post effect of viral infection. Patient joined Individual Yoga Therapy session at Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga. The Yoga protocol designed for the patient has given a great emphasis on strengthening as well as improving the functioning of vocal cords. After three weeks of Yoga Protocol Practice patient was able to talk clearly, hoarseness of voice and pain were reduced significantly. The influence of the traditional practices of Yogasanas and pranayama can be studied scientifically.

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