Effectiveness of Varividaryadi Kashaya in the Management of Lower Urinary Tract Infections (LUTI): A Single Case Study
Urinary tract infections (UTI) are some of the most common bacterial infections, affecting 150 million people each year worldwide. The term covers a wide range of conditions of varying severity from simple urethritis and cystitis to acute pyelonephritis with septicaemia. The typical symptoms of cystitis are dysuria, urinary frequency and urgency, nocturia, hesitancy, suprapubic discomfort, and hematuria. The features of lower urinary tract infections (LUTI) can be found under the heading Pittaja Mutrakrichra Lakshana. This is a case report of a 39 year old female patient, with the complaint of burning micturition since 15 days; came with urine culture and sensitivity showing the presence of E.coli bacteria. Patient was advised to take freshly prepared Varividaryadi Kashaya 48ml twice daily before food for 15 days and follow up was done after 15 days of completion of treatment. Varividaryadi Kashaya is mentioned in Sahasrayogam Mutrakrichra Prakaranam; in which all the drugs are having Seeta Virya and most of the drugs are having Madhura Rasa, Guru- Snigdha Guna, and Madhura Vipaka which in turn helps in Vata-Pitta Samana and Krimighna Karma. After treatment, urine culture and sensitivity showed no bacteriuria. Varividaryadi Kashaya is effective in managing lower urinary tract infections.