Management of Dementia of Alzheimer’s type (DAT) with Medhya Rasayana Churna
Dementia of Alzheimer’s type (DAT) is a progressive inevitable loss of cognitive function associated with the manifestation of senile plaques in the hippocampal area of the brain. It is most common form of dementia among middle age and older adults which accounts for 60-80 percent of dementia cases. The pathogenesis of DAT can be multifactorial. An open clinical trial was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Medhya Rasayana in clinically diagnosed 11 patients of Dementia of Alzheimer’s type (DAT) belonging to the age group of 50-80 years. The trial drug Medhya Rasayana churna administered 5gm in divided dose twice in a day with Madhu and Ghrita in unequal quantity for twelve weeks. Effect of therapy was assessed by Manas Bhava, Agnibala, Dehabala and Satvabala Pariksha. Statistically significant improvement observed in outcome measures.

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