A Raktamokshana with cupping method in the Management of Gridhrasi (Sciatica) - A Clinical video
Gridhrasi can be correlated with sciatica which is a severe painful condition where back pain and radiating pain of the legs are found together on the basis of symptoms. In the treatment of sciatica only symptomatic management and a very few surgical procedures are available in conventional medical science with their own limits. Various methods used for Gridhrasi treatment in Ayurveda but para-surgical methods i.e. Raktamokshana by cupping is more beneficial. A 35 years female diagnosed case of sciatica was registered, from OPD of IPGT&RA was taken and 2 sittings of Raktamokshana by cupping method was performed at lumbo-sacral region and four angula above Janu sandhi (Knee joint). Raktamokshana (Cupping therapy) has shown better result in the symptomatic management of Gridhrasi (Sciatica).